Over the last 25 years, I have learned so much from the Lord through ministry. I’ve experienced so many wonderful things with my family as well as tasting some painfully difficult trials. Our one great joys has been knowing the Lord’s faithfulness to us and those He’d given to be part with us.

This last year has been no different. I’ve watched the Lord working so faithfully in our new church plant just as He did when I planted South Shore all those years ago.  In spite of some painful trials and radical spiritual warfare, we are watching the Lord do great things here in Idaho.

A few things have made me a little nostalgic as of late. I was recently able to spend some time with Pastor Cris on the phone hearing about the good thing God is doing in his ministry.  I rejoiced with him and we prayed together. I also learned that our sweet sister Dunja has left Hawaii and gone back to Croatia.  We think of all those years she spent as part of our family and miss her so much.  We miss all those times of delightful fellowship.

I also learned that the church I planted all those years ago, the Ranch Church, has been removed from the fellowship listing of Calvary Chapel.  While this was enormously grieving to me and my wife, it also reminded us of all those wonderful years of ministering with our family of churches. I’m looking forward to the pastors’ conference at Calvary Komo Mai this coming August. I’m hoping so much to see my brothers and sisters who love us there in the islands. Perhaps I’m just being nostalgic.

Then, looking through some notes I found an old letter I wrote to my former receptionist, Maria, when she was moving on from our ministry in 2017.  Reading it moved me to tears as I recalled our work together in the Lord. I was glad to send her away loved, blessed, and with the knowledge that her ministry was so valuable.  Her reward is still secure and awaiting her in heaven.

I thought I’d invite you into my nostalgic moment with my letter to Maria. I pray you are blessed by it.

Please pray for me, the Lord has opened a door to travel to Romania to preach the gospel. Pray that the Lord will go before our group and that we would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to give the good news.

- Bud